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VeriSecure Verification App

Validation software is used to verify and validate the integrity, quality, accuracy or compliance of a set of data. Our cross-platform application decrypted encrypted QR Codes. Each encrypted QR code is linked to a unique decryption key to protect the authenticity of the document and the reputation of our clients. With millions of documents globally featuring unique VeriSecure encrypted QR codes, this additional security layer fortifies both digital and physical assets, complementing existing security features.
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Verification software

Bespoke Validation Software

In addition to VeriSecure, we offer bespoke validation solutions that can be tailored to an individual organisations needs. Whether this be for redemption, validation, authentication, track and trace or access control, A1 Security Print's team of developers can provide the solution. Our in-house designers work closely with your organisation to produce an app that reflects your brand.
Verification software

Why is document validation important?

Secure document validation is important for many sectors.
  •  Education - Educational certificates and diplomas are used to prove a candidate's qualifications to gain employment. When these are forged, this not only damages the reputation of the employer but also the awarding body.
  • Government - Birth, death and marriage certificates and visas are all documents that contain an individual's identity. If successfully forged, these breeder documents can be used to obtain false identification for criminal use.
  • Banking - Image Survivable Features are commonly used to authenticate financial documents such as cheques, warrants and bonds. Validation software is essential to decrypt the ISF.

Why choose A1 Security Print?

At A1 Security Print we have a proven track record of providing cross-sector verification solutions worldwide. Our dedicated team of security print and software development specialists deliver a complete end-to-end solution for all your document or asset verification needs.
  • Digital Documents- The use of digital documents has increased dramatically over recent years, this introduced a new type of fraud where criminals were able to replicate digital documents easier than secure physical documents. The most important tool in combatting this fraud is Validation Software. This confirms the legitimacy and source of your document.
  • Physical Documents - Variable data is commonly used on secure documents. Fraudsters often target that data in order to repurpose the sensitive document. Validation software converts the variable data into an encrypted QR code, this not only validates the authenticity but also the content of the original physical document.


Interested in our offering? Fill out the form and one of our representatives will get in touch to discuss your enquiry.

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0121 554 0044

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    At A1 we are able to provide tailor made validation software solutions and restricted access encrypted QR code smartphone validation. Additionally, we also have the capabilities to provide online look-up verification databases and progressive web app verification using our innovative software.

    Our VeriSecure system provides a personalised smartphone app for each client with access for both Android and iOS systems, which they will need no special recruitment for. It also provides encrypted QR codes that are secure from fraudulent alteration.

    Validation software is used to verify the authenticity of a product and that it hasn’t been

    Here at A1 we are a specialist security print manufacturer and also we are experts in software as developers. With a complete inhouse expert production team and software developers, we provide an effective collaborative long term approach to designing bespoke integrated solutions for clients.

    Validation Software Sectors


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